Lauren Takes On The Unite Academy


This past weekend our lovely apprentice, Lauren, packed her bags and headed to California for a Unite Academy training session! We sat down to get all the good details of her adventures to the sunny state.

1. Tell Me About Your Trip:

A few months ago I was approached by Emma, where she presented me with the opportunity to travel to California and attend this round of Unite classes. It was taught by Nine Zero One Salon Academy at the Unite Headquarters in California. It was three classes rolled into one and laid out over two days, making it was very comprehensive, exciting and informative. The topic was all things related to beach hair, including cuts, color, style and braids.


2. What Was One Thing You Learned:

They had some great information on color formulation. This is a topic I’ve been eager to learn more about and I was really excited to gain knowledge on.


3. Tell Me Some Highlights Of The Classes:

It was great being able to do so much hands on work and was nice that the classes were so jammed packed with information. I also really enjoyed getting to meet hairstylists from all around the country.


4. What Techniques Did You Learn That You Can Use In The Salon Today?

I feel like everything was applicable to bring back to the chair. From the balyage application to the braid style outs, everything was tailored for actual use in the salon as opposed to avant guard style.


5. Is There Anything Else You Would Like To Add?

Overall it was an incredibly inspiring and educational experience. From getting to see the warehouse to where they do their photo shoots to getting to meet the Unite team. Going behind the scenes was really great. The Nine Zero One Salon Academy staff was also incredible. I enjoyed getting to learn from such a professional and talented group of people.

Know Your Stylist: Lauren

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Lauren is our lovely apprentice that you will never catch without a smile! Though she is rocking the hair world now, she has some pretty awesome past occupations you didn’t know about. One being a stint in interviews. Click the video above to find out the three things you didn’t know about Lauren!

From Girly To Glam

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We recently had the opportunity to rock another Todd White photo shoot, something we love to do oh so very much! Lauren and Raven transformed this theater major into a vintage Hollywood beauty in a matter of hours.

A simple coat of Unite BOOSTA Spray, a volumizing tonic, and a spritz of blow-n-set took her locks from curly to straight. To create the illusion of finger waves, we used a curling iron throughout her entire head and finished by setting the curls at the front of her head.

We took a romantic approach for her makeup. Staying pink on the cheeks and contrasting with a deep, dark eye. We highlighted her eye with a gold tone, and added the perfect final pop with a burgundy lip.

Look fab for your next event and book your appointment with our glam team: (512) 419-7789

Let Your Eyes Shine!

photo-273 I have been working with Sirens Salon for a few months now, taking photos and raving about the amazing work I watch them do. Being a granola type girl, it is rare for me to touch my hair or make up, and though they have done great work for photo shoots and blog tutorials, I’ve never gotten down to the nitty gritty with the salon.


That was until yesterday. Sitting in the back room I heard Owner Emma’s voice trickle in “Dye Shelby’s eyelashes!”


My only question: “What is they all fall out? You can’t fix that can you?”


Sitting down in the waxing chair my heart began to race, my mind fluttering to all the things that could go wrong. And then, we began.


My body instantly at ease as Sirens stylist, Lauren, took me step by step through the process, asking many time if everything felt alright, and keeping conversation even when I had to lay eyes closed for 10 minutes.


Time and time again I watch these girls do amazing work, and I watch them be the most humbling and comforting salon staff. They are gracious and professional, but most of all, they truly care. They want the best for their clients and take great pride in their work.


It also didn’t hurt that when I woke up in a frenzy from a missed alarm this morning, I took a look in the mirror and was able to bypass makeup all together. Something that before would have never been the case with terribly transparent lashes.


So thank you Sirens, for keeping my spider legs in tact, and for walking me through a quite concerning experience.



**Eyelash dying is $30.00 and last for about 4 weeks.



-Stay dangerously beautiful,

Love Shelby