Makeing The Change


This past week we did the impossible… We cut our marketing directors hair!! A natural case of length loosing fear, our girl got into the chair and never looked back.

Taking off the dead ends allowed her hair to glow in all its glory! A common mistake we see in the salon is clients holding on to dead ends to preserve length. In reality, holding onto those ends only causes breakage and thinning.

By giving her one even length on the bottom and removing those broken bottoms she is able to grow her hair out in a healthy more natural way.

Don’t be afraid of change. And always remember, it’s hair, it will grow back!!

Fall Means Makeover

Fall_Makeover Oh hello colder weather, we’ve been waiting for you!! With all the fall changes comes a new fall do. Our salon has been full of fresh cuts and vibrant colors. And the two request we’ve heard the most:

“Chop it off!” and “Make it bright!”

We encourage you all to let this new season bring out a new you. Or better yet, the you that has always be there and is just scratching to get out!

As Sirens girls our goal is to make each client feel Dangerously Beautiful. This means having you push your own boundaries, both on the outside and in. Each of you has the ability to chase your dreams, make a difference, and rock this world!

So go out and be what we know you can… And make your first step into our salon!!


BOOK NOW: (512) 419-7789