You Are Cordially Invited To Have A Sirens Salon Wedding

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We are a salon that makes a living off of keeping Austin dangerously beautiful. With wedding season in full swing we would like to invite the lovely brides of the ATX to do the same on their big day! Not only do we make sure our brides look and feel beautiful on their special day, but we pride ourselves on making the bridesmaids and flower girls feel the same.


It is your day to shine, and you should only trust the best with the essentials such as hair and make up. Don’t be the bride with a last minute freak out from overly darkened make up or falling curls! Be the bride who walks with ease down the isle to her knight in shinning armor.

Summers Little Secret

Summer's Five to Survive

The summer heat is quickly approaching but so are the awesome hair products! We all know the power of sun and water damage, but our friends at Unite have your back. Their Summer’s Five To Survive products tone, condition, restore and texture your hair.

Throwing on that sweet, new bikini and running to the lake finally lost its hair care stress. You can find Unite products at every rinse station in our shop, and now you can find it in your daily routine as well!