Let Your Eyes Shine!

photo-273 I have been working with Sirens Salon for a few months now, taking photos and raving about the amazing work I watch them do. Being a granola type girl, it is rare for me to touch my hair or make up, and though they have done great work for photo shoots and blog tutorials, I’ve never gotten down to the nitty gritty with the salon.


That was until yesterday. Sitting in the back room I heard Owner Emma’s voice trickle in “Dye Shelby’s eyelashes!”


My only question: “What is they all fall out? You can’t fix that can you?”


Sitting down in the waxing chair my heart began to race, my mind fluttering to all the things that could go wrong. And then, we began.


My body instantly at ease as Sirens stylist, Lauren, took me step by step through the process, asking many time if everything felt alright, and keeping conversation even when I had to lay eyes closed for 10 minutes.


Time and time again I watch these girls do amazing work, and I watch them be the most humbling and comforting salon staff. They are gracious and professional, but most of all, they truly care. They want the best for their clients and take great pride in their work.


It also didn’t hurt that when I woke up in a frenzy from a missed alarm this morning, I took a look in the mirror and was able to bypass makeup all together. Something that before would have never been the case with terribly transparent lashes.


So thank you Sirens, for keeping my spider legs in tact, and for walking me through a quite concerning experience.



**Eyelash dying is $30.00 and last for about 4 weeks.



-Stay dangerously beautiful,

Love Shelby