Meet Your Stylist: Lauren Black


Once known as our newbie , LB is now taking her place on the floor! After rocking it as Emma’s apprentice, we can’t wait to see what awesome things she has up her styling sleeve. Lauren will make you feel relaxed with her comforting ways during your consultation and take you to the next level by making your creative vision a reality.

Specializing in blow outs and waxing, Lauren is sure to bring you into 2015 sleek and stylish.


Book your FIRST appointment with Lauren now: (512) 419-7789


Know Your Stylist: Lauren

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Lauren is our lovely apprentice that you will never catch without a smile! Though she is rocking the hair world now, she has some pretty awesome past occupations you didn’t know about. One being a stint in interviews. Click the video above to find out the three things you didn’t know about Lauren!